Ozone Destruction

Ozone is one of the strongest oxidants available. Ozone oxidation is used for removing a large range of impurities like chemicals, colors, refractory organic compounds, etc. from water.
How Much Ozone to Use
The oxidizing power of Ozone also leads to one of the major limitations of Ozone. It is possible to calculate the theoretical Ozone requirement for a given application based on the type and quantity of contaminants to remove. However, like many things in life, it is hard to accurately predict the amount of contaminants and type of contaminants as they vary with operational conditions, seasonal variations in water quality and the like. So we are left with either too much Ozone or too less Ozone.
How Much Ozone is Safe?
If excessive Ozone is left in water after ozonation, it may interfere with downstream processes e.g. it may oxidize parts of a pharmaceutical formulations, kill fermentation bacteria in a brewery or be outright dangerous if excessive residual Ozone is left in potable water. The “safe limit” for residual Ozone depends on application.
Ozone Destruction with UV
Ultraviolet Ozone destruction works on the principle of breaking down the molecular bonds using UVC radiation with peak at 254 nm wavelength. UV dose for Ozone destruction is much higher than the UV dose for potable water disinfection and depends on residual Ozone levels in water entering the UV unit and the required residual Ozone levels.